About Us

E-distribuzione SpA and Endesa Distribución SA, took a major step forward in the implementation of global smart meter solutions with the constitution of an international non-profit association  METERS AND MORE  based in Brussels under Belgian legislation.

The Association operates and promotes the new generation communication protocol METERS AND MORE and is open to third parties: since its constitution, over 45 new companies have already joined the Association.

METERS AND MORE protocol is implemented on the electronic meters that Endesa started to install to its 13 million customers in Spain.

METERS AND MORE Association benefits from the experience of Enel’s Telegestore, the unique AMI solution in operation worldwide for over 40 million customers.

The protocol enables bidirectional data transfer between smart meters and central billing systems in an Advanced Smart Metering environment. The METERS AND MORE initiative is a concrete step aimed at implementing the EU Commission Mandate 441 to provide standard pan-European Smart Metering solutions.

The Association will further develop the protocol specifications, certify compliance of the new equipment with such specifications and promote the protocol’s application throughout Europe. Membership of METERS AND MORE is open to other industry players, leading research institutes and universities, that will be able to access and further develop the protocol, hence supporting the standardisation of Smart Metering communication solutions across the continent.

Welcome to our association

The main goal of the Association is to provide the industry with a proven open protocol for smart metering, thus being a tangible answer to the European Commission’s Mandate 441 to achieve standard AMM solutions across the continent. Association is in charge of making available an open basis and evolve the protocol specifications, certify compliance of new equipments and promote the protocol’s widespread diffusion.

To this end the Association will, inter alia, aim at:

Developing and determining the METERS AND MORE Protocol on the basis of an open decision-making procedure available to all the Members;
Rendering the METERS AND MORE Protocol standard specification documentation freely available to all the Association’s Members and, for consulting purposes, to entities and bodies involved in standardization activities, identified by the Board of Directors on the basis of objective criteria;
Making best efforts to ensure that the quality and level of detail of the METERS AND MORE Protocol standard specification documentation shall be clear and sufficient also in view of further development activities;
Making best efforts to ensure that standardized interfaces shall not be hidden;
Promoting the existence of a range of interoperable devices, applications and services by promoting open industry specifications, which could be implemented by licensed producers of devices and more generally products or services based on the METERS AND MORE Protocol, upon a royalty free license scheme initiated by the Association.

Our team
Directors of METERS AND MORE:

Carlo Maria Drago (General Manager)
Paolo Bassani (G ridspertise) – President
Domenico Arrigo (ST Microelectronics) – Vicepresident
Alessandro Bertani (CESI SpA)
Alberto Creuso (e-distribuzione)

Alfonso Andres Salvador (Endesa)

Christos Aslanidis (Renesas)

Here is the list of METERS AND MORE Committees members

Committee for Product Certification

Giuseppe Fantini
representative of e-distribuzione, Full Member, Chairman

Amador Gomez Lopez
representative of Endesa Distribution Electrica, Full Member, Secretary

Riccardo Seresini
representative of CESI, Full Member

Laurent Couaillet
representative of SAGEMCOM, Full Member

Maurizio Bigoloni
representative of SIEMENS, Full Member

Alessandro Lasciandare
representative of STM, Full Member

Thomas Sonnenschein
representative of FLEXTRONICS, Full Member

Filippo Carlini
representative of AP SYSTEMS, Associated Member

Maria Luz Soriano
representative of ITE, Associated Member

Marian Vanatoru
representative of SE ELECTRICA, Associated Member

Giuseppe Catona
representative of BITRON, Full Member

Roger Carlsson
representative of IIOX, Associated Member

Davide Carnevale
representative of AEM Acotel, Associated Member

Committee for Communication Activities

Carlo Maria Drago
Full Member, Chairman

Carlo Masseroni
representative of STM, Full Member, Secretary

Antonio Delgado de Torres Esteban
representative of Endesa Distribution Electrica, Full Member

Valerio D’Arco
representative of CESI, Full Member

Marc Brazeau
representative of SAGEMCOM, Full Member

Cristina Zaffini
representative of APSYSTEMS, Associated Member

Dumitru Federenciuc
representative of SE ELECTRICA, Associated Member

Letao He
representative of KAIFA, Associated Member

Ennio Schiavon
representative of LANDYS+GYR, Associated Member

Giuseppe Catona
representative of BITRON, Full Member

Arrigo Apostolidis
representative of FLEXTRONICS, Full Member

Steve Norman
representative of RENESAS, Associated Member

Kajsa Lilius
representative of IIOX, Associated Member

Begoña Lopez Rodriguez
representative of AYESA, Associated Member

Marzia Paciantoni
representative of AEM Acotel, Associated Member

Victor Manuel Galvão Macedo Costa 
representative of Enel Brasil, Full Members

Committee for Protocol Specification

Manuel Jesus De Tellechea Suarez
representative of Endesa Distribution Electrica, Full Member, Chairman

Riccardo Seresini
representative of CESI, Full Member, Secretary

Josep Marro
representative of Endesa Distribution Electrica, Full Member

Daniele Mardero
representatives of e-distribuzione, Full Member

Laurent Couaillet
representative of SAGEMCOM, Full Member

Maurizio Bigoloni
representative of SIEMENS, Full Member

Alessandro Lasciandare
representative of STM, Full Member

Thomas Sonnenschein
representative of FLEXTRONICS, Full Member

Gabriela Vazquez de la Sierra
representative of VIESGO, Full Member

Danilo Coimbra
representative of ELETRA, Associated Member

Luz Soriano Arnedo
representative of ITE, Associated Member

Ba Tao
representative of KAIFA, Associated Member

Manuel Alfonso Martín-Albo
representative of NEORIS, Associated Member

Marta Castro and Mr. Ibon Arechalde
representatives of TECNALIA, Associated Member

Francesco Iosca
representative of BITRON, Full Member

Letao He
representative of KAIFA, Associated Member

Roger Carlsson
representative of IIOX, Associated Member

Martin Huerta Gomez de Merodio
representative of AYESA, Associated Member

Davide Bassetto
representative of APSYSTEMS, Associated Member

Carlo Alberto Marchi
representative of AEM Acotel, Associated Member

Meters and More International no-profit Association is composed of a Board of Directors representing the Full Members and three Committees.

Board of Directors 

Carlo Maria Drago (General Manager)

Paolo Bassani (Gridspertise) – President

Domenico Arrigo (ST Microelectronics) – Vicepresident

Alessandro Bertani (CESI SpA)

Alfonso Andres Salvador (Endesa)

Alberto Creuso (e-distribuzione)

Christos Aslanidis (Renesas)

Protocol Specification Committee (TCS)

Chaired by Alberto Villafane (Gridspertise)

The objective of the TCS is to maintain, evolve and provide the official specification of the technology Meters and More.

TCS develops the specifications for a new generation communication solution, called GATEWAY, between the meter and end-customer devices and for SMITP-compatible communication technologies for smart city applications.


Committee for Product Certification (TCC)

Chaired by Riccardo Seresini (CESI)

TCC´s work program is to define specifications for the certification tests for basic components devices and concentrators; Other goal is to increase the number of Testing Providers and certified devices.

By continuing to expand the certification test suite TCC support utilities and device manufacturers in their move to a new generation communication solution.


Committee for Communication activities (CCA)

Chaired by Carlo Masseroni (STMicroelectronics)

CCA promotes Meters and More and its Protocol worldwide with many different international communication activities enhancing the objectives of the Association and its Committees.

Become a member
Join Us!

Meters and More Association makes all the documentation concerning its communication protocol freely and openly available to any interested entity which joins the Association.

The members could apply to the Association in accordance with 2 levels of membership categories: Full Members and Associated Members.

Candidates for membership will submit their applications in writing to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors can request additional information at any time in order to decide on an application. The application form and any related formalities will be published on the Association’s website.

Admission shall only become effective after execution of the accession agreement as determined by the Board of Directors and payment of the annual membership fee.

A Member can resign from the Association at any time by sending a registered letter to the chairperson of the Board of Directors. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt of the letter by the chairperson of the Board of Directors.

Any profit corporation, non-profit corporation, association, government organization, educational institution or other enterprise supportive of the present Association’s goals, policies and procedures is qualified to become a Full or an Associated Member of the Association.

Meters and More AIBSL
Avenue Marnix 30,
1000 Brussels

Register of Legal Entities Brussels
Enterprise number 0824.390.132
(the “Association”)

Application Form for Membership

Thank you for your interest in Meters and More.

In order to receive the Application Form which includes the Articles of Associations as the first step to join Meters and More, we kindly ask you to please provide preliminary information in the following sections or via email at: secretary@metersandmore.eu. Once completed in all sections, signed and returned to secretary@metersandmore.eu, the membership application will be submitted to the Board of Directors in charge to approve the admission to the Association. If needed, the Board of Directors may request additional information to assess an application. Admission shall only become effective after the payment of the annual membership fee.

It will be our duty to keep the candidate timely informed about the progress of the application process.